
In this page there are reported links about other pages part of this web site or other links to other free web sites involved in the tourism industry.We are not responsible for other web site.

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guided tours:

Rome in one day tour, vatican tour, IMPERIAL ROME tour , Rome cruise shore excursions

other guided and walking tours  around the world

ABOUT ROME  pages dedicated to Rome    

AIR LINES  addresses and phone no.of the major airlines operating in Rome

WORLD AIRPORTS a list of main airport around the world  

a B C D E F G H I J K L MN O P R S T U V W Z

Julius Caeser the famous Mark Antony speeach at the Julius Caeser by William Shakespeare

bus rental  a list of the different bus services company in Rome



Enit  italian tourist board

Regione Lazio the region of Rome

Comune di Roma Rome city all

Atac Rome pubblic trasport company

Cotral Rome province and Lazio region pubblic transport service 

Fs  Italian railways system

Alitalia   Italian National Airlines company



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